Confessions From A Pregnant Lady ::: Week 9

I’ve officially hit the end of week 9! Yay! Tomorrow I start the beginning of week 10. This week, my baby was the size of a green olive (about an inch long and 0.07 ounces) and she has arms, legs, facial features, and from what I’ve read, has dreams when she’s asleep 🙂

You know, people always have questions about pregnancy, but the number one question I’ve gotten in all three of my pregnancies has always been, “How are you feeling?” It’s such a simple, sweet, and caring question, but I know it’s masked with hidden meaning. What they really want to know is if I have morning sickness, if I’m tired, if I’m cranky, and if I’m having any crazy food cravings.

I can’t help but laugh sometimes, because the clichés about pregnant woman are there for a reason. They are almost always true. When people ask what it feels like to be tired or hungry while pregnant, I always respond with, “Think about a time you were so tired that just listening to someone else talk was exhausting, or a time you were so hungry that you were actually angry, and multiply it by about 50 and that’s what it feels like when you’re pregnant.” Everything is multiplied, and you just can’t help yourself…it’s seriously out of your control.

The “hangry” feeling I’ve been experiencing lately coincides with my craving for Skyline.   Let me tell you, I don’t even like Skyline that much, or hot dogs for that matter.   Before I get a bunch of crazy Cincinnatians on my case for that, I DO like it, it’s just not something I have to have all the time…or something I didn’t USED to want all the time. If you know me, and for those that don’t, I eat pretty healthy for the most part. I don’t eat fast food, if I can help it, we haven’t had white breads or pastas in this house for at least 8 years, and before I got pregnant, I exercised on a regular basis (I can still exercise, but that’ probably best left for another blog post :). So the fact that this kid wants Skyline is killing me. The struggle is real folks. It also doesn’t help that I am at a high risk for gestational diabetes because I had it with my son.

Other than Skyline, most of my cravings have been spur of the moment. Some of the most recent? Chocolate milk two days ago, waffles last week, and last night at midnight I wanted White Castle so bad that I cried real tears when I ate a pop-tart and it didn’t satisfy the delicious, greasy craving I had. Yes, it’s true. The struggle is real. Luckily, I have enough will-power that when my amazing husband offered to get in the car at midnight to get said White Castle, I was able to say no.

Today is National Hot Dog Day. I don’t think I can say no to cheese coneys today. At least I have an excuse 🙂 XOXO

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